Understanding Trace Minerals and Their Whole Food Sources


Trace minerals are essential minerals required by the body in small amounts. They play a crucial role in various bodily functions, such as enzyme activation, hormone production, and nutrient absorption. Obtaining these minerals from whole food sources is vital for maintaining overall health and preventing deficiencies or imbalances. In this blog, we will explore several trace minerals, their acid/alkaline properties, food sources, uses in the body, deficiency symptoms, toxicity risks, and other relevant information.

Calcium (Ca):

- Acid/Alkaline: Alkaline-forming

- Food sources: Kelp, sesame seeds, dark leafy green vegetables, carrots, oranges, almonds, broccoli, papaya, sunflower seeds, walnuts, cashews, Brazil nuts, tofu, bone meal, brown rice, and most fruits and vegetables.

- Uses in the body: Supports bone, cartilage, tendons, and connective tissue strength. Assists in enzyme activation, neuro-transmissions, and ATP release. Plays a role in blood clotting and muscular contraction.

- Deficiencies: Muscle cramping, tooth decay, weakened bones, irritability, and various conditions affecting bone and connective tissue.

- Toxicity: Acidosis, bone spurs, kidney stones, calcium deposits in tissues, and possible hypertension, confusion, nausea, and vomiting.

Carbon (C):

- Acid/Alkaline: Acid-forming

- Food sources: Air, carbohydrates, sugars, fruits, vegetables, nuts, olives, and avocados.

- Uses in the body: Main source of energy. Component of carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids. Necessary for teeth, connective tissue, skin, hair, and nails.

Chlorine (Chloride) (Cl):

- Acid/Alkaline: Acid-forming

- Food sources: Most fruits and vegetables, coconut, avocados, dates, turnips, lettuces, kale, kelp/dulse, celery, tomatoes, potatoes, apricots, orange juice, pineapple, watercress, raw white cabbage, spinach, asparagus, cucumbers, parsnips, carrots, onions.

- Uses in the body: Essential electrolytes for blood, nerves, and epithelium. Aids digestion, elimination, acid-base and water balance, blood oxygenation, and stomach acid production.

Hydrogen (H):

- Acid/Alkaline: Alkaline-forming

- Food sources: All foods, especially carbohydrates and fats. Sugars, fruits, and vegetables like carrots, celery, spinach, tomatoes, and cabbage.

- Uses in the body: Essential for blood, all cells, and creating oxidation. Needed for bone, teeth, skin, red blood cells, circulation, and overall vitality.

Magnesium (Mg):

- Acid/Alkaline: Alkaline-forming

- Food sources: All fruits and vegetables, especially dark leafy greens, seaweeds, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, potatoes, sesame seeds, alfalfa, figs, brown rice, kelp, pineapple, honey, celery, whole-grain products, almonds, avocados, bananas, apples, peaches, lima beans, black-eyed peas, wheat germ, brown rice.

- Uses in the body: Strengthens muscles and nerve tissues. Activates enzymes, promotes bone and teeth formation, supports liver and gland function, aids elimination, and may reduce the effects of lead poisoning and kidney stones.

Nitrogen (N):

Acid/Alkaline: Acid-forming

Food sources: Proteins (Amino Acids). Dominating foods: nuts, seeds, alfalfa, green leafy vegetables.

-Uses in the body: Supports muscles, cartilage, tissue, tendons, ligaments.

Phosphorus (P):

- Acid/Alkaline: Acid-forming

- Food sources: Present in nearly all foods, especially, peas, Nuts, seeds, legumes, carrots, whole grains, dark chocolate, garlic, broccoli, potatoes, and mushrooms.

- Uses in the body: Essential for bone and teeth formation, energy production, DNA synthesis, cell membrane structure, and acid-base balance.

Potassium (K):

- Acid/Alkaline: Alkaline-forming

- Food sources: All fruits and vegetables, especially dark green leafy ones. Kelp, dulse, seeds, figs, celery, mushrooms, dried fruits, potatoes, avocados, broccoli, legumes, papaya, raisins, brown rice, Brussels sprouts, bananas, and watermelon.

- Uses in the body: Maintains fluid balance, nerve function, muscle contractions, and heart health. Regulates blood pressure and supports kidney function.

Selenium (Se):

- Acid/Alkaline: Acid-forming

- Food sources: Brazil nuts, seafood, mushrooms, whole grains, legumes, sunflower seeds, and oats.

- Uses in the body: Antioxidant properties, supports immune function, thyroid hormone production, DNA synthesis, and sperm production.

Zinc (Zn):

- Acid/Alkaline: Acid-forming

- Food sources: Oysters, pumpkin seeds, cashews, chickpeas, spinach, mushrooms, cocoa powder, and wheat germ.

- Uses in the body: Supports immune function, wound healing, DNA synthesis, protein synthesis, cell division, and taste perception.

ZinC-ADE from Purium is a fabulous source of easily absorbable whole-food, plant-based Zinc!

These trace minerals, along with others like iron, copper, manganese, iodine, and molybdenum, are essential for maintaining optimal health. It's important to include a variety of whole food sources in your diet to ensure an adequate intake of these minerals.

The Ionic elements from Purium is a wonderful source of minerals!

Consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized guidance on meeting your nutritional needs.


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